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[New Video Alert] Plies feat. Xtra – “Bend It Over”


Plies got the ladies doing stunts and all in his latest visual for “Bend It Over” featuring Xtra.  Plies said “Bend It Over” and he meant it with this track.  The video couldn’t capture the concept any better. 

The “Bend It Over” track appears on Plies’ Da Last Real N*gga Left mixtape released earlier this year.The mixtape featured guest appearances by Tyga, Young Scooter, and more. 

Fellas do your self a favor and check out the “Bend It Over” video above.  Don’t Be Scared, just don’t watch it at work or in front of any children.  Haha.  Seriously though, you shouldn’t be at work watching videos any way…unless it’s via Hip Hop Enquirer. 

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