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[New Video Alert] Puff Daddy feat. Meek Mill – “I Want The Love”


Yesterday, June 9th, 2014, Puff Daddy (P. Diddy, Sean Combs, etc.) and Meek Mill release the official version of their single, “I Want The Love”. Since the end of May 2014, fans have received other versions of the single as well as teaser clips for an upcoming music video until yesterday when the official single was dropped. “I Want The Love” is the second single from Diddy‘s new album, MMM (Making Money Mitch); “Big Homie” featuring Rick Ross and French Montana is the first. The new single is now available for purchase on iTunes.

 [kkytv id=”AXQqRQJxxNs”]

In honor of his first album in four years, MMM, Sean Combs has once again changed his name. MMM does not yet have a scheduled release date, but it will be available in the year of 2014. MMM will be executively produced by French Montana.

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