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Dave Chappelle Opens Up To Letterman About Quitting The Chappelle Show


Comedian Dave Chappelle left us scratching our heads seven years ago when he walked away from his television show and $50million.  Many speculated that he ran to Africa to hide from the world, some even said that he suffered from delusion.  At that time no one could understand why Chappelle would leave one of the funniest shows of all time when they just offered him a whopping $50million to complete a third season.

Finally we got some answers, well, kind of.  Last night Dave Chappelle sat down with David Letterman for the first time in ten years and they spoke about Chappelle’s decision to decline the $50million.  Chappelle had this to say in his defense, “I Never Quit — I’m 7 Years Late For Work”.

When Letterman asked Chappelle if he now regretted his decision, Chappelle jokes as he says, “Only when I listen to Jay Z. This man has done more in two songs than I have in the last eleven years.”

Check out the clip below.

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