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[New Video Alert] Plies – “People Dem”


Nearly 19 hours ago, American rapper and founder of Big Gates Records, Plies, has released the visual for his single, “People Dem”. The 37-year-old rapper’s single was produced by ShawnTBeatz and released from his mixtape, Da Last Real Nigga Left, in the beginning of the year. the concept of the video is quite simple, but never done before: Plies sits pretty at the head of a dining table, chowing down on an abundance of seafood while heating up the game by spitting bars and boasting.

 [kkytv id=”76E1uiyqFpU”]

Da Last Real Nigga Left was produced collaboratively by DJ Mustard, League of Stars, WMGI, Zaytoven, Filthy Beatz and much more. The mixtape features appearances from artists, such as Young Money Entertainment rapper, Tyga, and Black Migo Gang artist, Young Scooter. The 22-track mixtape is his 11th, and counting, with a new mixtape, At The Top From The Bottom, to be released in 2014 with an unannounced date. At The Top From The Bottom will be hosted by DJ Drama and presented by Big Gates Records.

[kkytv id=”lNNjvF_kBYw”]

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