Beyoncé Gives Hope With Latest Donation — Could Potentially Save 1,900 Lives



    Beyoncé is known for her impeccable talents and unscathed beauty, but what most people don’t acknowledge her for is her philanthropy efforts.  Last week, Beyoncé announced a $125,000 donation to Embrace Innovations.  The organization is behind the designing and distribution of an infant warmer, which is a low-cost alternative to the incubator that looks like a tiny sleeping bag. 

    Beyoncé’s donation will fund pilot testing of the device in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda, and could help 1,900 underweight babies who, without it, might not live.

    Embrace Innovation’s co-founder Jane Chen is very pleased and excited about reaching an additional seven countries with her product. “We want to get on the radar of the governments in these countries, which can help scale this even further through getting it into the public health infrastructure,” Chen said.  When speaking on Beyoncé’s kind donation Chen said, “She told me how incredible she thought the innovation was. I think what struck me was how sweet and genuine she was—and just so excited about our work.”

    Beyoncé announced her donation at Gucci’s Chime for Change, where she also donated to three other organizations making her total amount donated for the event a colossal $500,000.

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