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Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Recap: Did Nikko Leak the Sex Tape?, Rasheeda Finds Out the Truth


Last night on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, Rasheeda, Karlie Redd and Kalenna take off for their girl’s trip to New Orleans; leaving baby Carter under the care of daddy Kirk and Rasheeda’s mother.En route to New Orleans, Karlie Redd is still a little salty about her run in with Benzino last episode, so she posts a photo of Zino’s beefcake next to Joc’s beefcake…and let’s just say Benzino doesn’t seem to measure up. Continue below:

Stevie J attempts to make amends with Joseline after confronting him about finding nude pictures in his phone. Relationships are on the brink this episode and Mimi and Nikko’s decide to take a break due to Nikko’s excitement about the release of their sex tape and his philandering ways. Erica has had enough of O’Shea’s mooching and kicks his broke a** to the curb.

Kirk and Rasheeda’s mom still can’t seem to get along and in the midst of them arguing Kirk slips up and tells Rasheeda’s mother about the DNA test he performed on Carter. Rasheeda finds out and Kirk makes a desperate, last attempt to save his marriage and flies out to New Orleans. Kirk intercepts Rasheeda and finally apologizes about everything he’s put her through, but is it a little too late?

Catch next week’s drama on Monday, June 23rd at 8 p.m. ET.

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