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Cool Points Alert! Justin Bieber Consoles Floyd Mayweather Kids After Car Accident

Justin Bieber

Let’s just say Justin Bieber was at the right place at the right time because the singer happened to be in the Los Angeles area when he learned that boxing great Floyd Mayweather’s children was involved in a multi-car accident while likely heading to the BET Awards. According to our sources, Bieber arrived at the scene of the accident only to be confronted by an awful scene involving Mayweather’s children. The singer not only played his latest music to the kids at the accident scene, he even was allowed to place the children in his personal vehicle so that they could be re-united with their dad who was already at the BET Awards waiting for them to arrive.

Here is what is reporting:

Bieber happened to be in an SUV not too far away from the crash and jumped into action, racing to the scene.

Biebs told the cops he was friends of the family and wanted to check on their well-being.  

We’re told it was a multi-vehicle collision … several cars and a motorcycle.  The kids were not seriously injured — one had a busted lip — and Bieber tried comforting them by playing his new music for them.

Bieber was then allowed to put the kids in his SUV and drove them to Floyd … then returned to the accident scene to inform cops the children were with the boxer.

It must be really cool to have they type of friends around.  What’s the name of that song again?

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