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Breaking: Love and Hip Hop Star Karlie Redd Busted For Fabricating Benzino Shooting Incident (Video Inside)

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Our hip hop investigators did a little digging and discovered that our favorite drama queen Karlie Redd might have stretched the truth a tad bit during an interview with HHE’s Dennis Byron when she stated that she first learned about Hip Hop Weekly’s co-founder and LAHH cast member Benzino’s shooting. In a video interview conducted last month at the Hip Hop Enquirer headquarters which has since went viral, Karlie Redd was asked a specific question by Byron. “Where were you when you heard Benzino was shot and what went through your mind?” Right at the 2:25 mark of the video below she gives her answer. “I was in Buffalo, NY and I was on my way to do a show and literally, I could not do the show.” The problem with what she said conflicts with what was shown on last night’s episode of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. In a clip that we watched 10 times for accuracy, Karlie Redd along with Rasheeda and Kaleena where sitting inside Patchwork studios in Atlanta having a “girlfriends” moment when you can clearly see that she suddenly looks down at her cell phone and “learns again” that Benzino was shot.

So this begs the question, was she lying on the show last night (which would confirm the show is scripted) or was she lying to Mr. Byron?  Karlie Redd, we are going to need to see some receipts…ASAP!

Watch the 2:25 marker of the video from her interview conducted last month
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