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New Fashion Alert: Kanye West X A.P.C. Fall/Winter 2014 Collection


The A.P.C. x Kanye collaboration collection has been revealed. For the fall/winter 2014 season, West and A. P. C. developed 14 different pieces that al have a very military inspired look to them and combined ruggedness and luxury into the brand. The brand’s founder Jean Touitou spoke to about the process this go-around, which was, “surprisingly easier the second time, except at the end.” Referring to Kanye’s usual work ethic of always changing everything at the last-minute.

This is the last time Kanye and A.P.C. will release a collaborative collection so save up because the line will b released on July 17th.


Swiss Army parka, $605 (also available without fur, $1,015)



Army pants, $385


Bomber jacket, $780


Parka with fur, $2,865

Source: The Style Reporter 

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