Love and Hip Hop Atlanta is undoubtedly America’s favorite juicy black soap opera. Here’s the quick and dirty of the last episode: Stevie’s playing “deny, deny, DENY!”, AGAIN, Benzino’s got some foul relatives, Kirk is, “sorry, not sorry”, Scrappy’s missing the Bambi, Wacka and Tammy want to simply get married and Mimi and Nikko are preparing for the near release of their sex tape.
One day Joseline is going to cut Steven Jordan. The Puerto Rican Princess is known to have a short fuse in any given situation. That’s not helping the couple’s current obstacle involving Benzino’s love flame, Althea. In the previous episode, Ms. Thi Thi confessed to Zino that she and Stevie slept together once. At first Althea kept the sexual tryst a secret but after having a “come to Jesus” with Rasheeda decided to come clean on her own before it was revealed for her.
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Love & Hip Hop Atlanta
The issue with Althea’s brutal honesty is that Stevie is denying that the two ever did anything more than hang out. But it’s too late since Karlie Redd had already excitedly rushed to meet Joseline at the gym to reveal Stevie’s dirt when Joseline immediately gets worked up but decides to further investigate on her boo and his extracurricular activities.
When Stevie finally does come to Joseline to share the story with her in hopes that it hasn’t gotten to her ear yet, Jos calls him out faulting him to be an uncommitted liar.
Kirk is still doing the very most. During a lunch with wife Rasheeda and her mother Ms. Shirleen, Kirk was supposed to be working to mend the tattered relationship he has with his mother-in-law. He waits until Rasheeda leaves for the restroom before he has a more heated discussion with her mother and breaks her Chanel glasses to prove a point on the value of material possession to the owner. Of course we all remember how she viscously attacked his motorcycle with her own vehicle causing it to go up in flames.
But then again, that hot tub scene involving ATL’s local THOT’s Paula Michelle and Mary Jane didn’t exactly score Frost any brownie points.
Back to Benzino, we find him in the hospital after his mother’s funeral. He was shot by someone in his family during the funeral procession as Z and the shooter were in two separate cars. The rapper suffered a gunshot wound to the arm and a graze to his back. He’s shown lots of love and concern in his downtime by the people closest to him.
Special highlights from last night’s comedy-drama filled reality show were as follows:
• In an effort to regain her affection, Lil scrappy shows up at Bambi’s house unannounced with a new puppy, she softens up somewhat but of course we all know the homie will do something to ruin that precious moment right?
• Wacka shares with Tammy that a wedding is not important to him, he’s ready to get married and rather go to the courthouse to make it official. Why did we all have to wait this long to watch a real hip hop couple show some genuine love. Clearly Waka and Tammy need their own reality show.
• Mimi’s still visibly upset about the coming of her and Nikko’s “big” sex tape release, It appears Nikko can’t truly relate to why Mimi is feeling a certain kinda way about the situation. That is perhaps due to the fact that he orchestrated the release of the tape in the first place.
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