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[New Music Alert] Mack Wilds – “Next (Remix)”


Hip hop recording artist, Mack Wilds, decides to take a shot at remixing “Next” by Sevyn Streeter. His hard lyrics, ironically, flow smoothly over the melodic beat originally presented by the Streeter’s song while talking about cheating off of Asian kids in class, being in love and sneaking around.

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Although Mack has appeared in two of Sevyn’s music videos, he explains that the two artists share nothing more than a deep friendship, but sounded rather disappointed when he had to deny any questions about he and Streeter being a couple. With 2.4K views in SoundCloud since its release yesterday, there may be a possibility that the L.A. Rapper’s remix may top the L.A. songstress’ original. What do you think?

[kkytv id=”FcVzRj-Avhg”]

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