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Argentina Advance To Finals

The stage is set for the main event for all the marbles. Argentina will advance to the World Cup Final after defeating the Netherlands on penalties at the Arena Corinthians in Brazil on Wednesday. Argentina advances to face Germany for the Cup on Sunday night. Germany stunned the world Tuesday with an unprecedented rout of hometown Brazil, 7-1.

Wednesday’s event was lacking in the excitement and thrills people would expect from a World Cup matchup in the summer. There were no goals scored within a span of 120 minutes of action. Because of this Argentina and the Netherlands went into a penalty shootout, which is soccer’s equivalent of an overtime period.

In the penalty shootout, Argentina fared very well and the Netherlands had a hard time keeping pace. Argentina’s goalkeeper and 2008 Olympic gold medalist, Sergio Romero had two crucial saves in the shootout and Lionel Messi scored on one of the penalty kicks. Aguero and Garay were amongst the others who put the ball into the net during this round.  These efforts were enough to propel Team Argentina to a 4-2 penalty round victory and into the World Cup final for the first time since 1990.

Ironically, the last time Argentina made it to the final they lost to Germany. Argentina defeated Germany four years earlier in 1986 in the same World Cup final.

So there is no doubt that Argentina and Germany have an intense rivalry as it pertains to the big showdown.

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