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[New Music Alert] Brianna Perry – “I’m That B.I.T.C.H.”


First, Lil’ Brianna goes in on a freestyle over B.o.B and Ty Dolla $ign’s latest collaboration, “Drunk AF”, just a few weeks back. Now, the soon-to-be Sisterhood of Hip Hop reality star has released a follow up single, “I’m That B.I.T.C.H.”. This originally cut track features a pop-style tempo as Princess Perry graces the song with melodic, gentle vocal chords. Brianna Perry takes the derogatory term, “bitch”, and transforms it into a powerful acronym: Beautiful Intelligent Tough Chick in Heels. The single shines light upon being a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man to support nor complete her. Perry can be seen on the premiere of Oxygen’s new television series, Sisterhood of Hip Hop, on August 12th.

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