Breaking: New York Man Put in A Chokehold by Police Death Ruled A Homicide


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    The New York City Medical Examiner has just announced that the chokehold used to subdue Eric Garner, a Staten Island resident was ruled a homicide and not the result of an asthma attack as some in the NYPD have speculated.

    The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

    Garner’s widow told the Daily News she was relieved that the coroner finally confirmed what she suspected since her husband died on July 17.

    “Thank God the truth is finally out,” Esaw Garner said. “Thank God for that.”

    Staten Island prosecutors are still investigating the 43-year-old man’s death. No one has been charged.

    Daniel Pantaleo
    Daniel Pantaleo is the NYPD cop who administered the fatal chokehold

    So what does this mean for the cops killed Eric Garner? The Staten Island District Attorney’s office should seek an indictment for involuntary manslaughter and every cop responsible for Eric Garner’s death should be removed from the force. The family of Garner has already reached out to the US Attorney seeking justice and possible civil rights violation because of Garner’s death. Perhaps blaming Garner for his own death will stop and those responsible will be held accountable.

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    There is a lot to be said when a police department has a history of assaults and mysterious deaths against a certain class of people particularly African American and Latino citizens. It is especially sad when most of those type of crimes go unpunished or swept under the rug. Had it not been for the fast thinking of a man with a cell phone camera, Mr. Garner’s death would likely have followed the same scenario with no one being held accountable. The last words Mr. Garner stated just before he was placed in that sickening and fatal chokehold was “This is going to stop today” Let’s hope those words will be heard loud and clear with the prosecution of those responsible.

    We will will continue to monitor the outcome of this senseless crime as it develops.

    Source: New York Daily News

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