[Exclusive Coverage] More Testimony Today Suggests Former Basketball Star Decensae White Masterminded The Hit on Lil Phat Via Court Ordered Wiretaps

Defense Attorney David Wolfe cross-examines Decensae White/Dennis Byron


Reporting by: Dennis Byron

The defense team for Gary Bradford aka Eldorado Red, Deandre Washington and Maurice Conner will be presenting their case to the jury in hopes of convincing them to believe that evidence that was presented to them by the prosecution for over a week is not only false but may prove that Decensae White (the former basketball star) and not Gary Bradford was the one who ordered the hit on Melvin Vernell, III aka Lil Phat. According to White’s testimony, he was the one who had taken a loss when his drugs were stolen allegedly by rapper Lil Phat.

Not only had White taken a financial loss because of the theft of his drugs, he appeared to have had more of a motivation to get revenge against Lil Phat since it would have sent a bad message to those who might see White’s drug business as a target for future robberies according his testimony.

Defense Attorney David Wolfe cross-examines Decensae White/Dennis Byron
Defense Attorney David Wolfe cross-examines Decensae White/Credit:Dennis Byron

What makes matters even worse for the basketball star is the fact that he repeatedly tracked Lil Phat to various locations throughout the day leading up to his death.

Meanwhile, the prosecution is attempting to show the jury that their evidence in the case points to Eldorado Red because of his allege ties to a street gang known as BGM, a sect of the bloods organization.

The defense team is being led by famed criminal defense attorney David Wolfe. Mr. Wolfe’s name rings bells in courtrooms throughout Georgia not just because he is the founding member of The Innocence Project but because he has successfully assisted in the acquittal of Baltimore Ravens star Ray Lewis and Reginald Oakley and Clarence Harrison, a Decatur, Georgia man who was convicted of a rape but it was later determined  by DNA evidence that the man was innocent. Check out exclusive video coverage of the trial below and visit our video channel to see additional footage as well.

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