[Exclusive Coverage] Local Atlanta Attorneys in Ferguson Serving as Legal Observers Release Video of Unlawful Arrest of National Lawyers Guild Attorney



    August 20, 2014 Atlanta, GA – Four local Atlanta attorneys in Ferguson, Missouri to act as legal observers for the ongoing protests involving the death of Michael Brown where one attorney videos the unlawful arrest of a National Lawyers Guild Attorney.  Activist Attorney Mawuli Mel Davis organized the trip to Ferguson in response to the National Conference of Black Lawyers request to lawyers from around the country go to Ferguson to work with the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) to observe and ensure protesters’ constitutional rights are not being infringed on by the militarized police forces and national guard. While the team, attorneys Mawuli Mel Davis, Jessica Robinson, Ecleynne Mercy and Shawn McCullers were observing demonstrations, attorney Mawuli Mel Davis video records the unlawful arrest of a member of the National Lawyers Guild.


    “This is a video of a National Lawyers Guild lawyer being arrested is the very reason we are here in Ferguson. He did nothing.  He was standing next to us filming an arrest and was suddenly pointed out, pushed, then arrested. The human and civil rights violations here in Ferguson are deeply disturbing.”, states Activist Attorney Mawuli Mel Davis of the Davis Bozeman law firm and member of the National Conference of Black Lawyers

    The team of attorneys volunteered to be legal observers.  Their hope is to inspire other attorneys to go to Ferguson to be trained as legal observers by the NLG and to observe at least one night and day of demonstrations.

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