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P Diddy Calls Out President Obama in A Passionate Plea: “Get on A Plane To Ferguson, These Are Your People Too”

P. Diddy Deems Rap Game Too Soft Post

One of the richest and most influential men in hip hop has decided to use his social media clout to make a passionate plea to the President of the United States last night. Sean “Puffy” Combs recorded a video via instagram asking President Obama to come to Ferguson, Missouri to meet with the people on the heels of the death of Michael Brown. His words have been echoed by many who feel that the first African-American president should do more to curtail racial-profiling of young African-American men by the police that is happening all across the nation. The images that appear on social media is something that has gotten out of hand and the person responsible for killing Michael Brown has yet to be charged with a crime is adding insult to injury in the minds of the people of Ferguson.

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 A forensic science expert says that Dr. Michael Baden’s autopsy on 18-year-old Michael Brown shows that eyewitness accounts that the teen was shot in the back by a Ferguson police officer was not correct. Baden’s autopsy revealed that the African-American teenager was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, according to news reports.

Should the president travel to Ferguson to help calm the tensions?

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