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Singer Lauryn Hill Tweets “Black Rage” Song in Protest to The Death of Michael Brown #MikeBrown

Michael Brown

Lauryn Hill, whose public appearances have been few and far between since her days back in the 90s as a member of the Fugees, posted the message below to Twitter Wednesday night. It contained a link to an old, stripped-down demo of a song she has performed over the last few years called “Black Rage.”.

“Black rage is founded on two-thirds a person / Rapings and beatings and suffering that worsens,” Hill sings on the record. “Black human packages tied up in strings / Black rage can come from all these kinds of things.”

It does seem that many residents of Ferguson, Mo. share in Ms. Hill’s sentiments as to what has sparked a form of rage in the way many residents are being treated by the people who have sworn an oath to protect them.


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