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[New Music Alert] Willow Smith – “Easy Easy” (King Rule Cover)


Is she 13 or 23? The young pre-teen is given much recognition with her eccentric tracks and is even compared to today’s major artists such as Rihanna. That is a big deal considering the fact that Rihanna is more than 10 years older than Willow. You would expect your average pre-teen to only be featured on Disney and other teen appropriate music entities but Willow aims for so much more.

Coming from a family of successors giving her a free will of style, Willow has crossed so many boundaries. Through her music and videos you can feel a wild yet free sensation. She may be young but her career has a long journey ahead. The singer has created many song tributes to some of her musical legends, one single titled “5” featuring her brother Jaden Smith was a tribute to Jill Scott.

Paying homage, her style, her voice – she’s definitely too talented for her musical generation. Willow releases a new cover single titled “Easy Easy,” originally the British musician King Krule’s single. Her voice, echoes, and the rapid beat followed by the minor transition of the blues takes you on an emotional journey.  The creative, adventurous singer welcomes her fans into the world of her mind, just by the tone of her voice. Exploring many different musical sounds, especially sounds from UK artists who compose most of today’s R&B hits will take her talent very far.

Check out the single.

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