[New Music Alert] Big Sean – 4th Quarter



    He gave us the 1st quarter freestyle some months ago well now it’s 4th quarter and game time is almost over. He’s been gone off the scene letting others get a chance to shine but now Big Sean is back. Releasing three other songs at the time, Big Sean wants us to know that he has been working and to not get it confused with falling off.

    It’s quite refreshing to hear the lyricist again, giving us the track with no hook slightly filling us in on where he’s been and venting about a lot of things that’s been on his chest. It’s hilarious how he features a brief comic relief with a situation of singers’ naked pictures surfing the internet. He says, “Did my email jus leak….hold up…..oh nah they’re fake we’re good, we’re good.”

    The last two minutes producer Key Wane transitions the sound to a merely aggressive approach and Big Sean fills in the flow by going harder with his verses. It honestly sounds like a lot has been held in since his hiatus and he doesn’t care how anybody feels he’s just going to let it all out.

    “I’ve came to my senses I could never count on people. I can’t even trust these senses in this world full of venom, all I need is spider senses my short temper the cool-out. Sometimes I need woosah, time to get paid by the goo-gas”


    Check out the single


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