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That Was Quick! Amber Rose Files For Divorce From Wiz Khalifa


Just a month after celebrating their 1 year wedding anniversary, Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa are over. Amber Rose has filed for divorce from her husband, according to TMZ, the couple of split of Monday and cites irreconcilable differences. Days earlier reported that their were rumors that Amber Rose was perhaps involved in more than a professional relationship with married actor/rapper Nick Cannon however according to Nick Cannon, he just manages her. The timing of the filing is pretty interesting in light of the timing of these rumors surfacing.

Rose, 30, is asking for full legal and physical custody of their 1-year old son Sebastian. However, she will give Wiz visitation rights.

It appears that the couple have a signed prenuptial agreement so there should not be any issues as to who gets what however Amber has asked the court to grant her spousal support.

Click here to read court documents.

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