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Goodie M.O.b’s Khujo’s Home On The Verge Of Foreclosure


Things aren’t going so well for Atlanta rap veteran Khujo Goodie as TMZ is reporting that the Dungeon Family member is about to be evicted. According to documents obtained by TMZ, Khujo’s home has been foreclosed on as he’s missed three payments in a row and also owes more than $200-thousand. The MC lives in the home with his wife and four kids and filed for bankruptcy two years ago. The Goodie M.O.b rapper also owed creditors more than $170-thousand and he allegedly only had $300 in cash.

Things looked like they were turning around last year when Cee-lo, Big Gipp, T-Mo and Khujo reunited and dropped the new Goodie M.O.b album Age Against The Machine. The crew was also set to appear in Cee-Lo’s reality show “The Good Life” which would have brought in more income but TBS cancelled the show after Cee-lo’s controversial rape Tweets.

Keep yo head up Big Homie…


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