Daughter of Man with 34 Kids Puts Iyanla Vanzant on Blast “What About The Children?”


    When I called him, the first thing that I asked my father was how he was feeling about everything. I knew that people were saying some pretty horrible things about him, and despite how I felt, I still cared. He responded by telling me that he was feeling great because he is now “working in purpose” and that he is very blessed with all the opportunities that he has ahead of him because of the show. He then went on to tell me that he was not very happy with the first three episodes. He stated “The production made me seem to be like those regular guys out there who just have babies everywhere and don’t do anything for them.” I actually think that he forgot who he was speaking with  because in my eyes he has always been just a “regular” guy having babies and not taking any true responsibility for them.

     In response to his denial filled statement I calmly said, “let’s be honest, if you were solely responsible for my three meals a day since birth I would not be breathing right now.” Of course that struck a nerve in him, and per usual he went on about all of the things that he did for me and my siblings growing up. You see in his head he feels he has been “super dad” when in reality, all he has to hold on to are glorified moments of generosity.

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