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Breaking: Rally in Ferguson Today Expected to Draw Thousands In Anticipation of Grand Jury Decision in Mike Brown Death

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With unnecessary leaks and other information finding its way to mainstream media, it is clear by many that there is an aggressive attempt to smear the name of Mike Brown while heralding the person responsible for his death a hero. While a grand jury has yet to return a decision on whether or not Darren Wilson will be prosecuted for the shooting of Mike Brown, many believe that the process has already failed do to the subjective release of details of the grand jury proceeding that appears to be favorable to Wilson.

Students protest in Atlanta/Credit: Dennis Byron

The New Black Panther Party, a black nationalist organization based in Atlanta, Ga, is being heralded as “the most dynamic new movement among black people in recent history, with a leader more charismatic than an action movie star.” The New Panthers follow in their predecessors footsteps as grassroots activist. The rally planned for 6:00pm Central Standard Time, begins on eve of an impending decision whether to indict Officer Darren Wilson or not for the shooting death of Mike Brown.   Since August 9th, the movement for justice in case of Mike Brown, has quickly grown by the thousands into mass demonstrations in the streets of Ferguson, Mo. Speakers include: Lesley Mcspadden- Mother of Mike Brown,  St. Louis Billionaire  Micheal V. Roberts – CEO of the Roberts group, Vanessa Williams- Exec. Director of National Conference of Black Mayors, Minister Akbar Muhammad- International Representative of the Nation of Islam, Zaki Baruti- President of UAPO, Minister Chawn Castro Kweli – National Chief of Staff- New Black Panther Party, Brother Anthony Shahid – St. Louis activist, Trill Entertainment Recording Artist – Lil’ Webbie and more!

The National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party  Minister Hashim Nzinga said,  “Today’s rally has historical and future implications to produce a new movement among our people.”  He continued, ” We are here to  deliver results for the many Mike Browns of the world who can no longer speak for themselves.”

Minister Nzinga is calling for the recall of Governor Jay Nixon and Police Chief Thomas Jackson; with more blacks in the seats of local political office.

Minister Nzinga will rally the city of Ferguson, MO with the keynote address called, ” We’re not going back, can’t turn around now”  today at 6:00pm central the event is free and open to the public. Hip Hop Enquirer will be reporting live from the event and will be tweeting from the event as well so be sure to follow us on instagram and follow the hashtag #Justice4MikeBrown

Date: 28th October 2014

Where: 9950 Glen Owen Drive – Greater St. Mark Family Church
Time: 6:00pm CST – 10:00pm CST
Location: Ferguson , MO

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