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Exclusive Photo Alert: Rapper T.I. Saves Atlanta Hawks with Opener Day Performances


The Atlanta Hawks beat the Indiana Pacers on Saturday, November 1st with a 102-92 victory. Famed Atlanta rapper T.I.  entertained the crowd on three separate occasions during the event: before will introducing the team, after, and during halftime. Fans who got there early received $10 in Hawks bucks and caught a special pre-game performance by the Grammy-winning artist.

“I think everybody needs to come out and make it their business to support the Hawks and support the city. I will be performing at the pregame show, the halftime and the post game as well; all for the people who come to support my team, the Atlanta Hawks, and my city. We gotta set it off with a celebration.” said Tip.

Other celebrities in the building were kanji Burress, T.I.’s wife Tiny, Young Thug, former President Jimmy Carter, and more.

T.I.’s mother, rapper Yung Thug, Clifford “T.I.” Harris

Grand Hustle’s Hannah Kang with T.I./ Credit: Dennis Byron

Clifford “TI” Harris/Credit: Dennis Byron

Clifford “TI” Harris/Credit: Dennis Byron

Kandi Burress and Tameka Harris/ Credit: Dennis Byorn
Guest, Grand Hustle’s Clay Evans (management) and rapper Yung Thug

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