Sir Mix-A-Lot Says Jennifer Lopez Was The Inspiration For “Baby Got Back”



    After Kim Kardashian broke the internet the other day with her nude picture, she still is not getting the credit for having the best booty. Seattle native Sir Mix-A-Lot lets world know that the “original” booty was the inspiration for his iconic 1992 song “Baby Got Back.” While society continues to give praise to the butts of Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azealia and Kim Kardashian West, he lets us know the Jennifer Lopez still has the best one.

    Sir Mix-A-Lot recently told TMZ, the she was the secret inspiration for the song after he seen her dance on In Living Color with the rest of the fly girls. After that he was hooked, even J. Lo’s e P. Diddy recently gave her props ten-plus years later.

    Check out Jennifer Lopez’s “Booty” video.

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