#NoJusticeNoProfit On Black Friday As Millions Close Their Wallets In Outrage of #Ferguson Decision

    Protestors outside Federal courthouse in St. Louis, Mo. / Credit: Dennis Byron

    The boycott Black Friday movement has already seen an impact in non-minority owned businesses across the nation as those who are outraged at the outcome of a Ferguson grand jury decision not to indict admitted murderer Darren Wilson for gunning down teenager Michael Brown on a Ferguson street.

    HHE’s Dennis Byron has been in Ferguson since announcement of the grand jury decision. He has spoke with residents as well as business owners about how that decision has affected their community.

    With heavy protests in over 170 cities across the nation as well as protests happening in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, many have vowed to continue civil unrest until real change has been made on how law enforcement deal with people of color.

    Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 11.10.37 AM
    Michael Brown, Sr. and his family posted a photo to social media showing the first time without his slain son Mike Brown on the holiday.

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