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Well Damn! Boxer Floyd Mayweather “Grieving” At The Lost of His Friend Rapper Earl Hayes at Lakers Game

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From the looks of things, it appears boxing great Floyd Mayweather has gotten over the lost of his former artist and friend Earl Hayes’s death and he apparently did so by attending a Los Angeles Lakers game last night with girlfriend and model Liza Hernandez. As we reported earlier, Earl Hayes took his own life after taking the life of his wife Stephanie Moseley in what some have described as a jealous rage over his believe that Moseley was having an affair with R n B singer Trey Songz.

It also has been widely reported that Mayweather was the last to speak with Hayes prior to him firing several shots into the body of his wife while she was in the bathroom of their Hollywood apartment. Los Angeles police are planning on speaking with the boxer about what role he played if any that prompted the senseless shooting.

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Of course everyone grieves differently so maybe the sport of basketball is what helps Mayweather get over the loss his very dear friend.

Source: TMZ Sports

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