Jon Stewart has made it clear that he is not fan of Fox News. Last night, Stewart reported about the new station bringing up rapper Jay Z’s past of drug dealing after his meeting with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Instead of applauding the music mogul’s countless efforts in trying to create a positive change for the black community, Sean Hannity repeatedly referred to him as a “former crack dealer.”
However, before Jon Stewart could get into his opinion on the subject, The Daily Show correspondent Jessica Williams arrived. She came through to reveal some outstanding evidence against Fox News’ racist hypocrisy.
“You think his success would imagine impress them over at Fox, you know they are always preaching to the black community about self-improvement. If you go over the black male to do list, Jay has it covered: good job, stable marriage, and good father.” Says Jessica Williams.
Although Jay Z is everything that Fox News says black people need to become, but in reality no matter his success he is still another “former crack dealer.”