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Diddy & Shyne Shooting Victim Speaks Out After 15 Years But Did She Breach Her Confidentiality Agreement?


Words by Nadia Shakur

Back in 1999, rap impresario Sean “Diddy” Combs along with friends and his then Bad boy Records signed artist Shyne was celebrating the birthday bash for his then girlfriend Singer/Actress Jennifer Lopez when someone in the club through money at Diddy boasting that he had money as well. That action triggered a series of events that ultimately resulted in Diddy, his now deceased bodyguard Anthony “Wolfe” Jones as well as rapper Shyne being charged with assault. Combs and Jones were eventually acquitted of all charges but Shyne was found guilty and received a 10-year sentence. Fifteen years later this emotional reverberation was felt on Instagram when one victim decided to speak out.

Natania Reuben, a beautician and mother of two was one of the victims in the club shooting. Reuben was shot in the face during the altercation that originated outside with Matthew “Scar” Allen as Diddy and J Lo were leaving the club. Even though Diddy and J Lo were arrested with a weapon in their vehicle it was Shyne whom served a 10-year sentence for assault, reckless endangerment and gun possession. Diddy eventually settled a lawsuit filed by Reuben in an amount that was in excess of 1 million dollars. She originally was seeking 130 million dollars in the civil suit.

Reuben took to social media after the hip hop Instagram page belonging to  @UpNorthTrips posted a news article about the incident but neglected to mention any of the victims of the incident. After 15 years, Reuben still feels the trauma of the violent event and harsh feelings of being overlooked by the celebrity fanfare around it.

In the Instagram post Reuben expressed not just her pain and anguish from the shooting but disbelief at what she perceived to be sympathetic acknowledgment by the public at large.

Here is the problem about what she said on social media, our sources stated that the agreement that was struck in the settlement forbid Reuben for speaking about the incident because she has already been compensated for her pain and suffering. Will Sean “Diddy” Combs sue her for Breach of Contract?

After surviving a horrific life changing tragedy, her frustration is clearly understandable.

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