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Albuquerque Police Officer Shot By Fellow Cop During Narcotics Bust


The Albuquerque Police Department’s record of 5 months without a shooting has come to an end. An Albuquerque officer is in critical condition after being shot by a fellow officer on Friday. During a drug operation in Albuquerque, NM, to bust two men with $60 worth of meth on them, the unarmed officer was shot while working an undercover case.

Police would not release anymore details of the shooting or the officer’s injuries.

“Both officers involved were working in plain clothes, undercover capacity and have been with the department for many years,” said Albuquerque Police Department spokeswoman Celina Espinoza.

While the names of the two officers involved were not released, their names have released through other ways, the Albuquerque Journal reported that the criminal complaints filed states the officers as Jacob Grant and Holly Garcia.

The two undercover cops met up with the suspect, they all drove off in Garcia’s car and arrived at the Econo Lodge Motel. The suspect then walked out of the motel with $60 worth of meth. Garcia then drove to a nearby McDonald’s, to give officers the signal to begin the bust.

Witness Wallace Anderson gave a statement on what happened in the parking lot, although he and 20 other people inside could not see the bust but only heard the weapons going off.

“We just saw unmarked vehicles pull up these ram trucks or whatever and surrounded this vehicle so it couldn’t back up and escape and then at that point the shots happened and the guy was dragged to the pavement and handcuffed.” said Anderson.

An investigation is now going on within the police department, to figure out why the officer fired in the first place.

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