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Exclusive Photo Alert: Music Mogul Johnnie Cabbell Celebrates Star-Studded Bash in Atlanta

Johnnie Cabbell Celebrity Birthday Bash
Shawty Lo and Johnnie Cabbell/Photo by: Dennis Byron (c) 2015

Last night, HHE was invited out to celebrate the birthday of Johnnie Cabbell who represents some of today’s hip hop stars as well as he is also responsible for booking some of the biggest acts in entertainment. Live entertainment included a violinist, harp player as well as a pianist. Hip hop rap star Shanty Lo, rapper Tiffany Foxx, Gloss Da Boss, reality star Ashley Monroe were just some of the many who attended the event at his multi-million dollar estate.

The night was full of entertainment, food, and fun. Entertainment included a harpist, violinist, piano player, and a birthday section from Johnnie’s daughter Paris Cabbell and vocalist Tiara’Nicole. Dinner was served by Hell’s Kitchen Chef Jason Ellis. The menu included Seasoned Crab Legs, Rosemary Gralic Lamb, Sauted Shrimp, Moscato Butter Grilled Lobster, Crispu Fred Talapia, Sweet Thai Chili Meatballs, Garlic Mash Potatoes, Steamed Buttered Broccoli, and Strawberry Summer Salad. Drinks provided by Premis Cognac, new liquor on the market. Check out exclusive photos by Dennis Byron below.

Shawty Lo, Tiffany Foxx, Johnnie Cabell and Gloss Da Boss/Photo by: Dennis Byron (c) 2015

Johnnie and his daughters/Photo by: Dennis Byron (c) 2015

Shawty Lo/Photo by: Dennis Byron (c) 2015

Gloss Da Boss and Shanty Lo

Gloss Da Boss/Photo by: Dennis Byron (c) 2015


Rapper Tiffany Foxx & Ashley Monroe of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta
Photo by: Dennis Byron (c) 2015

Celebrity photographer’s Kelly Kline and Dennis Byron


Love and Hip Hop Atlanta’s Ashley Monroe

Omen Agency President Renee Gardner/Photo by: Dennis Byron (c) 2015

Photographer Kelly Kline of Treehouse Photo Studio (Atlanta)

Actress and Community Activist Armelia Cartier

Gloss Da Boss/ by Dennis Byron


 All images by Celebrity Photographer Dennis Byron

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