Chance The Rapper Helps School Chicago Kids


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    Chicago rapper Chance the Rapper join other entertainers like Christina Milian and Sway to celebrate the “Get Schooled, Get Connected Challenge.” The ‘Get Schooled” challenge is a non-profit organization led by Bill and Melinda Gates alongside Viacom, who teamed up with Internet Essentials and Chicago City of Learning. The program rewards to motivate children ages 13-19 years old to prepare for college.

    Tasks included are preparing for college entrance exams, applying for financial aid and completing college applications. After completing certain tasks, students receive big awards like laptops and gaming system. More than 50,000 tasks were completed.

    The top 6 schools and 6 community-based organizations will split the $100,000 check courtesy of Internet Essentials. Those schools are able to enhance computer labs with those checks.

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