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Did Funkmaster Flex Commit Career Suicide Beefing With Jay Z or Was It Just A PR Stunt?

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DJ Funkmaster Flex is a respectable name in the hip hop community but he may be pushing the envelope with his recent stabs at Jay-Z.

Apparently the 18-minute rant came about when Jay-Z sent Flex a text with HOV spelled in capital letters. Flex takes it even deeper accusing Jay-Z of jacking his app to release Magna Carta and even calling Jay’s Life and Times website trash.

“In 2015 you are a commercial corporate rapper that drops a little catch phrase every three months,” said Flex. “Don’t talke to me funny in a text bruh, I don’t work for you.”

Flex continues by praising Jay-Z for his lyrical prowess. Complimenting him waiting for a hot song to drop then jumping on the remix and throwing a shot at other rappers. Flex admitted that he respects that about HOV’s game but followed that comment by saying, “If you ever plan on taking a shot like that at me or any ‘sublim’ I will be on the radio everyday going at you.”

He doesn’t leave it there, he goes on to ask Jay why he didn’t congratulate J Cole on “2014 Forest Hills Drive” which sold over 350,000 copies the first week.

“Moral of the story this is my city bro,” said Flex.

The hip hop scene is certainly looking at what will happen next as rumors have surfaced that Jay-Z is a part of a group of investors looking at buying Hot 97.

If you recall many years ago Wendy Williams did something similar to Diddy while she was on the air insinuating that he was gay and that situation ended very bad for the former radio jock because soon thereafter she was banned from New York radio and had to work in Philly until the tide eased. The two have never mended their friendship since that occurred. One thing we have to give Flex is that he has heart or a foolish heart.

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