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Family of Man Who Calls the Police for Help But Ends Up Dead by DeKalb County Police Requests an Open Investigation by the GBI

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Thursday, January 22, 2015 Atlanta, GA – The family of Kevin Davis the man who called the police for help only to be killed by the DeKalb County Police, will hold a press conference, family members and community activists, to discuss their request to open an independent investigation surrounding the killing of her brother at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (G.B.I.) at 3121 Panthersville Rd. Decatur GA 30034 Friday, January 23, 2015 at 10:00am.

On December 29, 2014, Kevin Davis was living in a one bedroom apartment he was renting with his girlfriend of several years where they allowed a co-worker to stay with them. On the evening of December 29th, his co-worker and his girlfriend began arguing and during the confrontation his girlfriend was stabbed by his co-worker. Mr. Davis called 911 for help. The DeKalb County Police arrived on the scene unannounced, then proceeded to shoot Mr. Davis’ girlfriend’s dog upon entry. Mr. Davis who believed the unannounced shooter of her dog was the roommate, grabbed a gun to protect his girlfriend but was met while inside his apartment and shot by the police. Despite arresting his roommate at the scene and being told by Mr. Davis’ girlfriend that Mr. Davis was helping her, the DeKalb County Police proceeded to arrest Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis was taken to Grady hospital where his family was denied access to him. He succumbed to his injuries later dying alone in “police custody”.

“When you call 911 for help, that is what you should get. An independent investigation needs to be launched immediately so this family can understand what has happened to their loved one.” – Mawuli Mel Davis, Partner, Davis Bozeman Law Firm.

The family has asked community leaders and activists to join them at this press conference to help encourage the GBI to launch a formal investigation of the officer’s conduct that led to Mr. Davis’ death.

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