Exclusive Interview: SnobLife CEO Ming Lee Sits Down With Us To Discuss Her Brand, Business, and Future


    Hip Hop Enquirer’s Dennis Byron sat down with Snoblife CEO Ming Lee for a 3 part exclusive interview to talk about her journey and what it takes to run Snob Life. Ming Lee is a motivated entrepreneur who began her journey about four years ago in Atlanta. Originally from Detroit, Ming was just like every other entrepreneur, broke but hungry. Ming who was inspired to do hair because her grandmother, who could not style at all, so she took it upon herself to master her craft. Starting out with only a few hundred dollars to create her empire, Ming coined the title “Snob Life” and the rest is history.

    Ming Lee and her hair brand, Snoblife, has made a staple name in the beauty industry, gaining international recognition, a ‘cult-like’ following, and one of the most luxurious salons in the South East. Ming Lee is an inspiration to young entrepreneurs worldwide, where they follow her movement in hopes to become a ‘snob’ level brand.

    When discussing the reason she started selling Snoblife hair: “I was a hairstylist, so I decided to sell hair on the side to prevent me from stressing out at the beginning of every month.”

    “I attended Aveda in 2007 and when I finished, I wanted nothing to do with hair. I wanted to do makeup but I didn’t really know how to do makeup. When my dad passed away I applied to 42 different salons and no one wanted to hired me.”

    When discussing her humble beginnings, the hair stylist turned beauty mogul explained it this way:

    “It really wasn’t my thing to cater to celebrities hair. If I did their hair, it was a few I had friendships with so basically I was more focused on the regular girl’s hair..the people who were more like me.”

    Ming also spoke briefly about how she came up with the name “Snoblife“: “I am really picky about things I eat so my little brother made me a sandwich one day and he didn’t  cut the crust off and I complained. He just said ‘You are such a snob’ and that was it. It all started with a loaf of bread.”

    We will be releasing part 2 of her informative and inspiring interview in the days to come but meanwhile sit back, relax and check out what this grounded entrepreneur had to say in the video above.

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