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Damn Son! Master P Stops Interview, Puts Charlamagne Tha God in Check

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Charlamagne Tha God was up to his usual antics during the The Breakfast Show and an interview with Master P.

In the video clip above, the radio host commented about how the body of Mercedes looked, a No Limit artist, and Master P wasn’t having any of that.

“There was a No Limit product in stores every week. Except for Mercedes,” said Charlamagne. “We never saw that, and I always wanted to see that cause she had a fat ass p***y.”

Master P immediately stopped the conversation and replied, “Hold up man, don’t talk about Mercedes like that… She ain’t family, but still though. With all my people, you know how I am. We good. You know how I get down.”

C Tha God continued on with the interview but P came back to the subject mentioning that it was a respect issue.

“I know you do your radio thing, and I respect that. But at the same time Mercedes, she’s a female,” said Master P.

“My fault. You’re right. But she did look good on that cover though,” added C Tha God.

View the full interview here.

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