Star Witness: @Ludacris First Baby Mama Testifies He’s A Super Dad! (VIDEO)


    Luda_Christine_hiphopenquirerReporting by Dennis Byron

    Former Fulton County Asst. Prosecutor Christine White provided compelling testimony which supports Christopher “Ludacris” Bridges testimony that he is a good father who has demonstrated in the past that he can properly raise his daughter Cai Bella Bridges civilly with Tamika Fuller.

    “When Karma was little we would kind of just play it by ear so Chris would tell me I want to get her from Wednesday to Friday that was pretty much fine,” said White. “If I had to go out of town or anything like that I would just call him and say hey can you take care of Karma. We’ve never had to go by a specific schedule.”

    During direct examination by Ludacris attorney Tanya Mitchell Graham, White was asked about his relationship with their daughter Karma and essentially said he was a super dad and that she believed some of the questioning about his abilities to care for Karma was ridiculous because he has always shown love to her and did what a responsible dad is supposed to do.

    “I’ve seen videos on her phone and they seem to be having a blast,” White said. “He’s been to every one of her dance recitals. She also does acting performances and acting camps that Chris has been involved in.”

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