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Drake Drops his “Jungle” Short Film

Unexpectedly, Drizzy drops a new short film called “Jungle.” The 15-minute dark visual film was shot in Toronto and Los Angeles. Drake drops some words of wisdom and features a few throwback clips from childhood.

“The whole energy out here is just changing. It’s just getting dark, man, quick,” says Drake as he rides in the back of a chauffeured Rolls-Royce. “I’m fucking drinking more, I’m smoking more. We’re out here staying up so late that it’s early. I’m just more worried about myself. I just gotta come home.”

Also, at the end of the film (13:38), the radio DJ can be heard announcing a new song from a possible brand new soundtrack. Then you’re able to hear a short snippet of something new.

Does this short film lead to clues of Drake’s rumored mixtape release?

Check out the video.

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