Exclusive: Local Judge Pissed at Porsha Williams and Decides to Move Case to Higher Court

    Porsha Williams

    Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha Williams must have rubbed someone the wrong way because yesterday an Atlanta Municipal Court judge decided that she didn’t want to hear Williams case that was a result of the star being arrested for driving without a license and excessive speeding. Hip Hop Enquirer was in the court yesterday morning when a judge ordered that Williams case be handled by a higher state court because of the underlying circumstances.

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    The courtroom was packed with other traffic violators but when it was time for her case to be called, the judge read her file and said “this case is going to be handled by another court since we can’t reach a resolution here” which means the star must either take a plea or be ready for battle as prosecutors love to make an example out of celebrities.

    At press time, there was no court date set.

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