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New Music Alert: Bobby Shmurda Featuring Rowdy Rebel X Rich The Kid “Bobby Bitch” Remix


GS9 Entertainment continues to drop music with Bobby Shmurda and Rowdy Rebel still incarcerated. Now, a remix to Shmurda’s “Bobby Bitch,” has been released featuring Rowdy Rebel and Rich The Kid. The single will also be featured on the upcoming “Shmigo Mixtape,” a collaboration with the Atlanta’s own Migos and many other features.

Look out for the “Shmigo” mixtape soon.

Bobby Shmurda is currently at Rikers Prison awaiting trial for a trumped gun possession charge. Shmurda’s lawyer recently released a statement about Bobby’s release. “They are claiming he is a gang leader and an enforcer. I’ve never seen a gang leader and enforcer not actually enforce anything. He’s not shot anybody. There are no victims in his situation. It’s mind-boggling to me that his bail is $2 million, but I know what this is about. This is a show … It’s unfortunate because this young man’s life is on the line as a result of this thing.” 

Check out the song below.

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