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This Oscars’ Weekend Invest in the Next Generation of Media Makers


Reel Grrls is asking for donations to enable them to expand access and take media education and empowerment straight to the youth.

Reel Grrls is an award winning non-profit media arts and leadership training program for girls ages 9-19. They have developed a mobile strategy program that is designed to provide media literacy and technology training that is inclusive and empowering. Reel Grrls aims to take its programs and service to middle schools students across the state of Washington, expanding outside of Seattle.

“We’re now shifting gears and going mobile with our programs, retaining the core of our approach to youth development and empowerment. Going mobile means we will destroy geographic barriers to media empowerment for young women all over Washington, and better serve those in our city too,” said Reel Grrls.

The media company is asking for donations of $15 to go towards their mobile strategy to buy a set of 15 iPod touches for their program and Aki Kurose Middle School, starting March 4. Aki Kurose students are 97 percent youth and color, and 75 percent qualify for free or reduced lunch. The company says that purchasing the iPod touches rather than expensive DSLR cameras allows for all youth in the program to have access to a camera instead of having to share resources.

Real Grrls recognizes that mobile devices are becoming more and more common as a means to create creative content. Their mobile strategy’s focus is to utilize the mobile technology available to provide students with the power to create and distribute media on their devices constantly.

The goal of the mobile strategy is to raise $1,500 by March 24. Those interested in donation can do so here.

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