Kanye West Wants A Judge to Ban Any Reference to Taylor Swift and Beck During Civil Trial


    Screen Shot 2015-02-27 at 10.38.37 AM
    In a shrewd but tactical strategy in Kanye West’s upcoming civil trial for assaulting a paparazzi last year, the Grammy winning producer wants a judge to set ground rules that will bar any reference to his jumping on stage during Taylor Swift acceptance speech during the MTV Awards as well as his recent stunt during singer Beck’s Grammy acceptance as well.
    TMZ is reporting the following:

    Photog Daniel Ramos claims Kanye  beat him bad at LAX and he’s suing for what he claims are substantial injuries.  Kanye’s lawyers say the only reason to dredge up the 2009 MTV Music Awards — where Kanye jacked Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech — and this year’s Grammy’s — where he jumped on stage after Beck won — is to poison the jury by making Kanye seem like a bad guy.

    In the legal docs — obtained by TMZ — Kanye’s lawyer says the incidents aren’t relevant, but what’s really interesting is the admission that Kanye ended up looking bad.  The lawyer says the videos would “cause jurors to form a negative opinion of West.”

    Ramos’ lawyer, Gloria Allred, tells TMZ, “It is laughable that Kanye West appears to be so ashamed of his conduct that he doesn’t want the jury to know what he did,” adding, “Millions watched his conduct.  Why does he want to hide it from a jury?”

    taylor3From the look of things, Taylor Swift is team Kanye (Turnt up at his UK concert)

    Kanye has already plead No Contest in his criminal case and as a result he had to undergo anger management classes which we have learned he has already completed. Our sources believe that the civil case will likely be settled outside of a court to the tune of 1 million dollars.
    Do you believe the photographer deserves such a huge settlement seeing that no bones were broken?

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