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Birdman Reflects on Strictly Cash Money’s Success

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When it comes to business relationships, it’s safe to say that Birdman, as well as Cash Money, in general, haven’t been on the same page with Lil Wayne in recent weeks. The fuel to that fire may have added after Birdman’s recent Instagram post, citing Cash Money Records for the many success stories that have emerged in the world of music.

Social media has been around for a long time and it’s a way for any of the biggest stars in entertainment to capture  moments. Birdman’s latest post, however, really spoke volumes, it’s caption may seem simple enough but it had to raise some eyebrows at the sight of the ‘YM’ being dropped from the Cash Money acronym.

If there weren’t any current friction between the dynamic duo of Birdman and Lil Wayne, many wouldn’t really have paid much attention to the caption. However, since the two are currently at odds, there is a sense of a far deeper meaning towards the post. Check out the IG post below. Follow Us on Twitter: @HipHopEnquirer


 Photo Credit: InstagramPhoto Credit: Instagram Caption: "500million sold real nigga Rich shit in middle of tha ocean kant see dry land lifestyle Bitch so far ahead Blatt CMBRG" Photo Credit: Instagram

Photo Credit: InstagramPhoto Credit: Instagram
Caption: “500million sold real nigga Rich shit in middle of tha ocean kant see dry land lifestyle Bitch so far ahead Blatt CMBRG”
Photo Credit: Instagram
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