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Congrats! @Ludacris Honored at Georgia State Capital for Community Service

Ludacris/ Credit: Dennis Byron

Rapper, actor and philanthropist Chris “Ludacris” Bridges had a run in with potential presidential candidate Jeb Bush at the Georgia State Capital. While it is not quite Easy -E dripping jerri curl juice in the Oval office, it is always a big moment when politics and hip hop collide. Especially given the past history with Ludacris and Jeb’s brother the 42nd president of the United States George Bush.

Jeb Bush was there giving a speech on how to help children reach their potential and successes. Seemingly he’s campaigning for an unofficial campaign. While Jeb was presenting himself, Ludacris was being presented with an award for his outstanding work with his non-profit, The Ludacris Foundation.

The Ludacris Foundation is based in Atlanta, Georgia. Its focus has been through community outreach by uplifting children, families and the community with economic development and empowerment.

There is not much the two have in common, as Ludacris has his issues with right-wing pundit Bill O’Reily; as well as John McCain and George Bush. While the two did take time out for a photo opt, there were some jokes and jabs taken. As Jeb said, “I’m just here to see Ludacris.”

While Jeb provided the jokes, Ludacris brought the jabs. When asked which Bush was his favorite he said, “The one outside.” We should not expect to see Chris Bridges at any Republican party fundraisers anytime soon.

Click here to read Ludacris Proclamation

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