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Suge Knight Breaks A Bail Record…25 Million Dollar Bond Ordered by Judge


Before rapper Clifford “TI” Harris, there was no other member of the hip hop community that was ever ordered to pay such a extremely high bond. Harris bond was for 2 million dollars for possessing illegal firearms back in 2010. However, Suge Knight has broken that world record today as a Los Angeles judge has just set his bond at 25 million dollars for the murder of Terry Carter.

His attorney put up a great argument pointing out that former reputed mobster John Gotti who was accused of ordering the murders of several individuals and that Suge is not a flight risk because he is one of the most recognized people in entertainment. However that argument went on deaf ears because the judge countered by saying that Knight is facing a minimum of 75 years if he is found guilty.

His attorney also told the court that known gang member and part-time actor Cle “Bone” Sloan confessed to cops that he had in fact “fucked him up” referring to the beating he administered to Suge Knight moments before Knight plowed his truck into Terry Carter killing him.

As the hearing came to a conclusion, Suge collapsed in court and had to be rushed to the area hospital.

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