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Disrespectful or Nah? ‘Carter 6’ is Really Happening For Young Thug At Least

young-thugWhat started off as a ‘Ha-ha’ funny statement when rapper Young Thug said he was recording the Carter 6, has turned into a very real project. When Young Thug released a the songs;’Check’, ‘Beat It’ and ‘Halftime’ that reportedly come from the album, there was still a certain level of skepticism of it actually seeing the light of day.

Thug took to instagram to let the people know this is not a game by any means. As he revealed not only the album artwork but the release date as well.

If staying true to that April 17th date, then Young Thug would not only be putting it out next week but also prior to Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter V. Wayne has been going through some legal troubles with his Cash Money label about the release of his album, which has been finished for months now. Currently there is a $51 million dollar lawsuit against Cash Money that was just moved from New York to New Orleans.

Young Thug has stated in many interviews that he views Lil Wayne as an idol. While it seems to be a slap to Wayne’s face, this may be his (ill-fated) attempt to pay homage. In an interview with MTV News back in September that the wheels for this was set in motion. Thug was quoted saying, “He did I to V, I’m gonna do VI to X” While Lil Wayne has not spoken on Young Thug’s Carter 6 his daughter, Reginae has done some talking for him via twitter back in March.

“Is he trying to be funny with this “Carter 6?…Cause it’s pretty childish to me. Try again if you’re even trying to get on my father’s level. You have to realize that you can’t force it. Just let it go…I usually stay in a child’s place but that’s my father and I’ll stick up for him no matter what…It was not to be disrespectful. But you know what, I don’t have to explain myself. I don’t regret anything and I’ll repeat myself if I have to.”

How will Young Thug’s Carter 6 measure up to the previous five (or four)? Come next week we get the next installment in the Carter series…just not the one we were expecting.

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