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Lecrae Announces Tour and Performs Live on Good Morning America!


Two-time Grammy award-winning artist, Lecrae, recently announced that he will be going a second leg of his famed Anomaly tour and he will be performing on Good Morning America.

Lecrae released his seventh studio album, Anomaly, this past fall and on April 9 he will be performing “All I Need is You” a single off of the album. His album debuted at #1 on the Billboard top 200 as well as many other charts. Consequently Anomaly is the first album to top both the Gospel Albums and Billboard 200 charts.

Since the album’s release Lecrae has performed twice on the Tonight show, toured around the country with Andy Mineo, was nominated at the Grammy’s for best rap performance, and won his second Grammy for Best Contemporary Christian Song/Performance.

The second half of the Anomaly Tour, presented by Live Nation and Premier Productions, is on sale now. Featuring special guests Andy Mineo and DJ Promote, The Anomaly Tour kicks back off in  New York, NY on April 9, 2015.

Upcoming Lecrae Tour Dates

Date                      Venue | Location

April 9               Best Buy Theater | New York, NY

April 10             Bojangles’ Coliseum | Charlotte, NC

April 11             Timmons Arena | Greenville, SC

April 12             Palace Theatre | Columbus, OH

April 16             The Classic Center | Athens, GA

April 17             Constant Convocation Center | Norfolk, VA

April 18             APG Federal Credit Union Arena | Bel Air, MD

April 19             Stage AE | Pittsburg, PA

April 22             Moncton Wesleyan Celebration Centre | Moncton, NB

April 23             Cross Insurance Arena | Portland, ME

April 24             House of Blues | Boston, MA

April 25             Church on the Queensway | ON, Canada

April 26             Auditorium Theater | Rochester, NY

April 29             O’Reilly Family Event Center | Springfield, MO

April 30             Fox Theatre | St. Louis, MO

May 1                Cox Convention Center | Oklahoma City, OK

May 3                Knoxville Coliseum | Knoxville, TN

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