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New Music Alert: Polow Da Don And Siobhan Bell Say “Pay Me”


Legendary producer and hit maker, Polow Da Don, has teamed up with the London born DJ and producer Siobhan Bell to deliver “Pay Me,” a record that supports women being in control of their freedom of expression and their sexuality.

Polow Da Don has been a staple in music for over 15 years. His music making prowess has produced hit records for a number of artist across different genres of music including Nicki Minaj (“Anaconda”), Usher, Rihanna, Fergie, Limp Bizkit, Robin Thicke, Beyonce and more.His musical legacy gave birth to an urbanized style of pop music that merged mainstream success with urban music.

Siobhan Bell has been making quite some noise since 2010 overseas in Paris and Amsterdam. She’s a petite powerhouse whose venomous sounds are hard not notice. She hits on a wide range of genres from Trap music, jersey club, and nostalgic R&B.

“The partnership with Siobhan was perfect because it’s about women being in control in a male-dominated business,” said Polow. “This record is about women being in control of their image, not only their sexuality, but their freedom of expression.”

“Pay Me” looks to be the next hot female club anthem because it’s fun, it has a Miami feel, and it allows women to say how they really feel.

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