Lil Wayne and Wiz Khalifa Getting 60K to Dj Parties



    The expanding world of celebrity Dj’s has just grown even more. Paris Hilton, Shaquille O’ Neal, and Snoop Dogg are a few but now Lil Wayne and Wiz Khalifa are on board that train as well. If you want Lil Wayne to rock your party on the 1’s and 2’s all you need is a generous 60k and Wiz is slightly more humble asking for just 25k. Wiz even has a DJ name, DJ DaddyKat is what he’ll be called.


    You may not know the rates of celebrity Dj’s but these rates are in the upper echelon, this more than apparently the Breakfast Club’s own DJ Envy makes who has been doing it for years. How good they will be is yet to be seen as their first gig will be in Anaheim’s Club Heat Ultra Lounge. Wayne will be on the set June 16th and Wiz will follow-up the next Friday.

    How do real DJ’s feel? Not only are Wayne and Wiz using their celebrity to get gigs they would not have gotten otherwise, they are cashing out while doing so. I guess it is fair game, you have Djs trying to be rappers so why not have rappers trying to be DJs.

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